MirrorSearch (1): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command:
ReturnWordListOfSearchExpression {related:sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21c/2019/ stages successional heights:mapping forest successional stages brazilian amazon using forest heights derived tandem x sar interferometry:}
--StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start:
--couldn't open socket: connection refused
    while executing
"socket $host $port"--

    invoked from within
"StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"--

    while executing
"error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..."
    invoked from within
"if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] {
# puts OK-
# puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..."
    (procedure "Execute" line 43)
    invoked from within
"Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list ReturnWordListOfSearchExpression $cgi(query)]"
    (procedure "LoopOverEntries" line 209)
    invoked from within
"LoopOverEntries $query2String $type $numberOfEntries $top $path $header $excludedFields 0 $numbering $outputFormat $cellBackgroundColors $page $includ..."
    invoked from within
"if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] {
# the search expression has a syntax error
		if $header {
			if [info exists cgi(query)]..."
    (procedure "CreateOutput" line 226)
    invoked from within
"CreateOutput  $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String Search {}  0 $maximumNumberOfEntries $cgi(choice) $header  {^$} 0 {} $cgi(out..."